Life at RAMC

Daily Schedule

Daily schedule will be published from time to time regarding following: Morning PT/Drill/Parade/Games Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner/Tea. College Assembly Meeting/Principal’s Address. Formal educational activities/Classes. Rest/Quiet hours/Own time. Visiting hours. Evening studies & library work.

Training of Medical Cadet

The Rangpur Army Medical College is exclusively a residential institution with all the facilities of separate cadet mess/dormitories for both male and female cadets. The college makes special efforts to issue daily schedule for the cadets. The purpose of such daily schedule is to indicate broadly the type of orientation that should be sought for the physical and mental development of the medical cadets according to the demands of the time. The details of the daily schedule determine to a great extent, physical endurance, mental agility, powers of concentration, rest, free time etc. The following activities will be followed by all Medical Cadets:
  • Drill for 35 minutes, once in a week (Every Sunday). 1st Sunday of every month will be utilized as Principal’s monthly inspection parade.
  • Morning PT for 35 minutes, once in a week (Thursday).
  • Afternoon games for 40 minutes twice a week on Tuesday and Wednesday
  • College Assembly/Meeting/Principal’s Address for 01 hour once in a month (Preferably on Thursday of first week of the month or as decided by the authority).
  • Classes (Lecture/Tutorial/Practical/ Dissection/Clinical) on all working days.
  • Meal timings. (Breakfast:   0630 to 0730 Lunch: 1400 to 1530 Dinner : 2000   to 2130 hrs, Holidays- Breakfast: 0800 to 0900hrs
  • Afternoon rest/Own time.
  • Mugrib prayers and Jumma Prayers (For Muslims only).
  • Lesson preparation/Self study/Library work.
  • Dormitory inspection by the Dormitory OIC once in a month.
  • Dormitory inspection by Vice Principal once in a month.
  • Dormitory inspection by the Principal as and when deemed necessary.
  • Dorm Tutors will visit the dorm everyday.
  • Reading facilities at the college library up to 1900 hrs.
In the daily schedule, provisions will be made in such a way so as to enable the faculty members and other staff to look after cadets’ academic activities, personal health and hygiene, mess customs and etiquette, conduct and discipline ctc.